Thursday, March 8, 2012



1. Often, the physical characteristics of genetically identical twins become increasingly different as they age, even at the molecular level. Explain why this is so. (use the terms "environment" and "epigenome")
When twins are first born they are subject to the same environment. As they grow older they make different choices in how they eat and what environment they choose to grow up in. Their epigenome changes based on the signals received based on the environment they surround themselves with.

2. Name 3-4 environmental factors that influence the epigenome.
What you choose to eat, the kind of stress related to your work profession, and how often you exercise.

3. What is an imprinted gene?
a silenced copy of either mom or dad’s gene. Only one is used.

1. Discuss factors in your daily life (ie. Diet, exercise, stress etc.) that could be affecting your epigenome
The fact that I’m in DLC and not in regular classes could contribute the amount of stresss I feel on a daily basis. The way I eat and how much exercise certainly contributes to my epigenome. The friends I choose to hang out with can influence how much I feel depressed or elated.


1. Explain how a high- nurturing mother rat shapes her pup's epigenome, and what that pup's response to stress will be.
They will be extremely relaxed. They will ease more quickly after a stressful situation.

2. In rats, does licking by the mother activate, or deactivate her pup's GR gene?
It activates the GR gene, and the amount that they lick their pup unwinds the GR genome to a certain amount.

3. Exp la in how cortisol and the GR protein work together in the brain to relax a rat pup. You may draw a diagram.
The cortisol acts as the signal to the GR to tell it to unwind. The more cortisol released, the more relaxed the GR genome becomes. The amount of GR protein in the hippocampus depends on whether the mother was a high nurturer or a low one. The cortisol is released into the brain. This usually happens during the fight or flight response. The cortisol bonds with the protein and sends calming signals to the GR. The more proteins the more signals.

4. The rat nurturing example shows us how parental behavior can shape the behavior of their offspring on a biochemical level. Relate this to humans and think about the personal and social implications. Record your thoughts.
If a mother neglects or ignores a child, then the child will be more likely to lead a stressful life and ignore its children. If the mother is highly attentive, then the child will probably live a relatively stress free life.

1. Explain how the food we eat affects gene expression.
If our parents were healthy eaters, we are less likely to have a big chance of getting diabetes or diseases that result from poor diet. It is the same if your parents were poor eaters. You are more likely to get diabetes.

2. Can the diets of parents affect their offspring's epigenome?
Yes they can. Your parents can put you at risk for diabetes and heart disease.


1. How does Dietary methyl influence gene expression ?
Drugs can tell the body to produce more methyl. The more methyl, the less proteins produced. This can change you r gene expression greatly.

2. Why do Toxins affect gene methylation?
Toxins trigger changes in brain regions and even when the system is wiped clean the changes can continue to linger. These changes could possibly be passed on to the next generation.

Dogs Decoded 
Is domestication related to epigenetics?

I think that it does.

- They can read our emotions by scanning our faces starting on the left. They don’t do this with any other species.
- They have been man’s companions for a long time. Archaeological records say not that long ago (a few thousand years) that they became domesticated. Mitochondrial DNA says even longer.
- Humans can understand the different barks that dogs use. They know when the bark means anger and when it is begging etc.
- When humans pet dogs, both receive bursts of oxitosin, the same thing that happens when a mother breast feeds her baby (creates bond)
- From information found in mitochondrial DNA, we know that domesticated dogs descended from the gray wolf (closest match, which is extremely close).
- Dogs were probably a pivotal point for hunter-gatherers because we could now bring down bigger game, which meant more food, which meant population increase.
- Dogs respond to pointing and the direction that our eyes look. Our almond shape eyes expose the white sclera when we look to the side. Even puppies as old as six weeks respond to pointing. Even our closest relatives, the chimps, don’t respond to pointing. They just do whatever they want.
- Nurture v. Nature   Up bringing has little to do with domestication. Wolves and puppies were brought up in the same way, and the wolves didn’t listen to the owners, they did whatever they want.
- Silver foxes were bred. Only the tamest were allowed to breed. Over time they became affectionate to humans. Even newborns started to be less aggressive.
Along with the lost aggressiveness, They lost their silvery-black fur. They started turning white. Some retained their curly tails. Their limbs and tails became shorter. The babies had floppy ears for a longer amount of time. - They found that genetics had to do with aggressiveness. They also bred the most aggressive foxes. They stayed the same.
- Scientists found that the tamer foxes also had less adrenaline, which meant they were not as scared, so they were not aggressive.
- By doing brain scans they found that humans emotional part of the brain becomes active when looking at pictures of babies and dogs. Most of our dogs now have infantile features. This is probably because we are naturally protective of infants. We feel the need to nurture the dogs. Most dogs are chosen for their looks.
- Amazing border collie has over 300 “word” vocabulary. Can fetch toys by name. Can get scale models. She can fetch things from a picture. The picture represents the toy. This is amazing because most dogs can’t do this. 2-yr olds are just starting to learn to do that kind of a thing.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Households Acids and Bases

We were given the following household solutions and had to find their pH.
Lemon juice
Soft Drink (Coke)
Drain Cleaner
Baking Soda

I made a hypothesis for each of what their pH would be.
Vinegar -Acid 3
Ammonia -Base 12
lemon juice -Acid 3
Soft drink -Acid 6
Drain Cleaner -Base 13
Detergent -Base 10
Baking soda -Base 8
Milk -Base 11

We used these materials to help find the pH
-vernier computer interface
-logger pro
-vernier pH sensor
-wash bottle
-distilled water
-stirring rod
-250 mL beaker
-sensor soaking solution
-household solutions
-8 small test tubes
-test tube rack
-blue litmus paper
-paper towel
-red cabbage juice
-graduated cylinder

We followed these procedures:
Obtain materials and put on the goggles. Remember not to drink or eat in the lab area. Label the test tubes from 1-8. In test tube one, put 3 mL of vinegar. As in the order above, pour 3 mL of the specified solution into the remaining test tubes. [As a note, the baking soda solution must be made with 20 mL of water and 1/2 a tablespoon of baking soda. Stir thoroughly.] Using the dropper, collect some of the solution in the dropper. Remove a slip of litmus paper and drop a few drops from the dropper onto the litmus paper. Compare the color to a pH scale and record the best estimate for the acidity or basicness of the solution. Clean the dropper before the next use. Repeat the test for the rest of the solutions. Don’t empty the solution, instead retrieve some cabbage juice. Pour 3 mL of the cabbage juice in each test tube, and in between record the acidity or basicness of the solution. Dump each of the test tubes contents when you are done. Refill the same liquid in the same container. Unpack the probe and connect to the computer via lab quest mini. Open the file called “21 Household Acids” from the Chemistry with Vernier folder. Remove the sensor from the storage solution, and don’t spill it. Rinse the tip of the sensor with distilled water and put it in the first test tube. When the number on the computer stabilizes record it on a chart. A good example of the chart can be found in the results section. Remove the sensor, and rinse with distilled water. Put it back in the storage solution, and then remove and rinse again with distilled water. Put in the next test tube and continue the pattern. When you are done, rinse the sensor in distilled water and put back in storage solution. Pack up your materials and dispose of solutions.

Some of the results we ended up with were different than our hypothesis, and some were the same. The following chart is our results.

Test tubesolutionsblue litmus paperred cabbage juicepH
1VinegarAcid 2Acid 22.64
2AmmoniaBase 12Acid 6.511.31
3Lemon juiceAcid 2Acid 23.27
4Soft drinkAcid 3Acid 32.97
5Drain cleanerBase8Acid 5.512.69
6DetergentBase 10Base 109.98
7Baking SodaBase 9Base 87.91
8MilkBase 9 Base 96.57

This is a picture of the sensor in our 5th test tube.

This is a picture of us cleaning the sensor.

This is when we labeled the test tubes.

This is a shot of one of the pieces of litmus paper.

This table compares my hypothesis’ and my results.
VinegarAcid 32.64
AmmoniaBase 1211.31
Lemon juiceAcid 33.27
Soft DrinkAcid 62.97
Drain CleanerBase 1312.69
DetergentBase 109.98
Baking SodaBase 87.91
MilkBase 116.57

Conclusion: I got the majority of my hypothesis’ confirmed. Some of them were complete opposites of the hypothesis, but most were extremely close to my guesses. I think that if we were to do this again we should have more items to test, even some tests that are harder.
We even had the chance to see that the pH of the storage solution for the pH sensor. It was acidic and turned our litmus paper red. When the probe was in it, it said that it had a pH of about 3.5. We should have more opportunities for testing the different materials.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Atomic Bomb Video Information

In class we watched a video called Trinity and Beyond for an introduction to atomic bombs. We got to know some science behind the bombs and some of the history of how and why they got started.

In 1939, Albert Einstein alerted President Roosevelt of activity in Europe. Some one was beginning to develop a bomb. Roosevelt took immediate precaution.

Before any bombs were exploded, they blew up 100 tons of dynamite.
The TNT was nowhere close to the force of the first atomic bomb. The first atomic bomb created a crater
Trinity: the first atomic bomb was exploded in July of 1945

Bombs were made of different materials. The little boy was simple and made with uranium. The fat man was a more efficient bomb made of plutonium. Plutonium encased the initiator. The plutonium was encased in lots of lenses. This made the plutonium implode. The uranium explodes and plutonium implodes.

In Hiroshima there were 7000 dead, and in Nagasaki there was 42000 deaths.
Baker was detonated 90 ft under water. It was catastrophic. It forced the Saratoga to sink to the bottom of Bikini Bay.

As a result of baker's huge explosion, a deeper under water test, codenamed Charlie, was canceled.

Operation Sandstone was to test new weapon designs. One bomb was a 37 kiloton explosion. A man passed the original designs to the Russians.

Ranger-Able was 1 kiloton, and in 1951 Easy was 47 kilotons and Item was 45 1/2 kilotons. George was about 225 kilotons.
 Scientists found that by burning a capsule inside the bomb acted as an initiator. It doubled the reaction of the bomb.

Then scientists invented the Hydrogen bomb. they used liquid hydrogen to make the explosion and it created so much heat that it incinerated everything.
Ivy Mike was the first full-scale test and was an enormous explosion. It was 10 megatons. It entirely destroyed the lab building that it was built inside.
Encore was a 27 megatons(?) and was tested in the same area as Grable. Grable was 15 kilotons. It did more damage than Encore and had a funny wave pattern. While Encore hardly damaged a jeep, Grable ripped the jeep apart. Grable was shot from a cannon and detonated in the sky.

In 1950 Castle Bravo detonated and was 15 megatons. It stripped the island of vegetation and made a crater 1 1/2 miles across.

The deep sea test was finally conducted.

Cherokee was 3.8 megatons, was detonated in 1956, and was the first plane-dropped Hydrogen bomb.
Lots of other tests were conducted. One of these was Monster Bomb. It was a 57 megaton Hydrogen bomb. It was the largest neuk weapon ever built. It was detonated it in the sky and its detonation went against the UN's rules. This started a weapon war. Atmosphere tests were banned because they interrupted radio waves.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

ASU Chemistry Lab Reflection

Today we went to ASU to see their chemistry stuff. We got to see several demonstrations. The first few demonstrations included a strobe light, nitrogen, a ball, and even a hover craft.
The first one was she put a racket ball ball in liquid nitrogen. She left it there while she did a few other demonstrations. After a few demonstrations, which I will talk about in a minute, she took the ball out and dropped it on a steel sheet. It burst into a million pieces. The ball had momentarily chemically changed to glass. As soon as she took it out it started changing back again, but she dropped it before it acted like rubber.Below is a picture of the broken ball. Even if put back together, it isn't going to ricochet again.

Another experiment was when she took a strobe light and shone it on a fan that was on high. the lights were off and she messed with the strobe light changing how fast it flashed. She changed it so we could see individual petals and then individual colors, which there were to many fan blades and then she made it so we could see each blade with each individual color.
Then she plugged a huge circle in the wall. It was a hover craft which I got to stand on. It raised a few inches off the floor. At first I was unstable and had to hold onto someone for support. After I regained my stability I was perfectly fine. It was extremely fun. The reason it works is because of eight or so holes on the bottom that the air is forced to exit through. It hits the floor and spreads out evenly.

After that we got to look at an electron microscope. The man in charge showed us several different pieces of the electron microscope. He explained how different things effected the image of the molecules you were looking at. The molecules were coded in white, black, and gray. The black ones were gold, and the light gray that looked like ripples in the sand.

Then we got to visit the glass blower. She can make practically anything out of glass. Her job is to make things for the people who need special parts for their experiments. They are custom made to fit the needs of the person. She uses special "sunglasses" so she can see her work and not just the flame. The glass comes to her in tubes and she melts certain sections of the tube to make them mold-able. She took one open end and blew into it. The part she heated up swelled and became a big bulb shape. She made a swan for Ms. Leland and one for Ms. Binder. She poured green food coloring-water in it and now it also serves as a barometer. When water goes up the neck, a storm is approaching.

After that we went and looked at a pressure demonstration. The man there explained pressure and vacuums. He used a vacuum to crush an aluminum can, and then a 2 liter bottle. He was able to manually blow the bottle back up. There were three balloons in a circular flask. They were tied off with only a little bit of air inside. He hooked it up to a vacuum and the balloons expanded like you were blowing them up. When he romoved the vacuum they shrunk back to their normal size. He then put some marshmallows in a flask. He vacuumed the air out. The marshmallows swelled and then shrank back to normal size. He turned the vacuum off and the marshmallows shriveled up. He pulled one out and let us feel it. It had a texture close to that of chewing gum. He then pulled out a pressure gauge. He attached it to the vacuum and the gauge dropped to 0. He then attached it to a hand pump. Several kids, including me tried to get the gauge to 0. I got it to 2. A couple of kids got 1 1/2. He then told us it wasn't possible for a human to reach 0.

We migrated back down some halls to another room. The man in charge reminded us how electricity worked. He had us hold hands and form a circle. He had another kid put their hand on an electricity generating ball and stick their other elbow out behind them. The instructor then put his elbow next to the kids and a shock stung my wrists. I yelped and let go of the chain. I had just gotten shocked by 50,000 volts. He did it a second time but I stay ed out. Another girl said it hadn't hurt but when she got it first hand she was rubbing her wrists. The second time everyone yelped and jumped back. When people held their hand next to it it looked like it was shooting little beams at them.

We then traveled to room 103 and ate lunch They gave us each a cookie and two of the college students answered our questions about college. We had to travel outside to finish lunch so that the mathematics people could use it.

We then visited an amphitheater shaped place. The professor showed us several experiments that involved chemicals. He took a piece of dry ice and put it in a flask with a balloon attached to it. He corked the flask and the balloon slowly inflated. Every once in a while he would open the cork and release some air. Over all it was a great and fun experience.